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Geaca Dainese D-System D-Dry


»  categorie:    Accesorii

»  pret:   150  EURO

»  ofertant:    Mihai Razvan Stoica

»  telefon:   0733633173

»  localitate:   Slobozia

»  Detalii anunt:
Armour certified to EN 1621.1/97 Cordura construction Adjustment strap on neck Wrist and waist adjustment Jacket-trousers fastening system Elasticated fabric inserts D-Dry waterproof and breathable membrane Removable D-Dry liner Air vents on chest Removable sleeves Pocket for G1 and G2 back protector Reflective inserts Pockets on front and back Wrist pocket pretul este simbolic pentru ca a costat in jur de 230 lire , pacat ca nu am motor. doresc ca altcineva sa se bucure de acest articol . marime 48 ( eu am 1m83 cm si 75kg atletic-slab . umeri 112 cm si la burta 76cm ) pe mine sta putin lejera accept schimburi

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